About Me

A friend gave me this card when I left my job at Alaska Airlines, and it felt fitting for this page.
If you've checked out the rest of my site, you may have noticed I wasn't always a developer. After 5 years of working in marketing, I decided to leave my job to pursue software engineering full-time. It was a big change, but definitely not a sudden one.
I'd long thought software engineering might be a good fit for me (I love languages! I love math! I love logic puzzles and building things!) -- but for the longest time, I wasn't sure how to make a change like that happen. So I did what I could: I started taking computer science courses outside of work. Around the time that I was maxing out the classes available to me through city college, a friend of a friend recommended I look into this thing called Ada Developers Academy.
Long story short, I'm now enrolled in Ada's year-long software engineering program, and I'm loving every minute. You can see what I'm working on on Github.